Hi @seeingblues2,
Configure BuddyPress
Check also the permalinks and give details about your theme or better give an url so somebody can go to see what happens.
I didn’t find anything in that link useful. The site is http://greatarchitect.us, the theme is buddyboss. On the outside everything appears fine. It all used to work fine until I used that repair option. I haven’t had any updates recently. This also appears to only be an issue in the dashboard so I’m not sure the theme is related, my guess is this is a backend failure, probably something that needs to be fixed in the database.
id creator_id name slug description status enable_forum date_created
15 1 Twitch Network twitch-network Reserved for members of the Great Architect Twitch... private 1 2014-08-25 18:25:30
id group_id meta_key meta_value
50 15 total_member_count 1
51 15 last_activity 2014-08-25 18:25:30
52 15 invite_status admins
53 15 forum_id a:1:{i:0;i:2683;}
54 15 _bbp_forum_enabled_2683 1
id group_id user_id inviter_id is_admin is_mod user_title date_modified comments is_confirmed is_banned invite_sent
29 15 1 0 1 0 Group Admin 2014-08-25 18:25:18 1 0 0
Everything looks ok in the database.
I also tried using the twentyfourteen theme and it didn’t help. Still not displaying the proper information in the dashboard under groups.
Is it a fresh instal you working on ? Are you on a local server ?
If you test only with a private group, nothing will appear publicly.
Assuming all active components have all their dedicated pages and that you set pretty permalinks an use Twenty Fourteen.
If so, install BP Default Data which will install 50 fake members, groups and many other things and see if you get a result.
No this is not a fresh install, it’s been working fine for the longest time like stated previously
No it is not a local server
Doesn’t matter if the group is public, private or hidden. It’s the dashboard I’m having an issue with.
When installing BP Default Data it still doesn’t work. Here are some images I hope helps you to understand the issue.

So if you look at these images you see the groups and users imported correctly, but when going into the edit menu the members are not listed.
i just tested bp default data as super-admin on a 2013 theme. Normally, super-admin can go and do anything, huh ?
Went to the dashboard, opened one of the private group i’m not member of and added me as group member.
WHAT ?!!! The following users could not be added to the group ! Incredible !
Always from the dashboard, I created a new group. This directed me to the frontend where i registered my new group.
Back to the dashboard, and from the new group, i added 2 members without any problem.
Normal !
I reoppened the first group who haven’t accept my membership, and tried again. This time it worked.
I logged me out, cleared my nav cache, and retested by processing the same as previous within another group. Again i received the failure message. But i regisred my change and suddenly my name appeared in the group name…. Tried several more, with different behaviour. Sometimes it works immediatly, sometimes after a few seconds, sometimes not at all.
No idea what make this happen. Perhaps some latency issue because of the name suggestion tool ?
Maybe that the Default data plugin doesn’t handle this properly ? Maybe its the theme ?
I thought guess it’s a little bp bug.
Please open a ticket with some details and link to this topic.
Where do I open a ticket?