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Group Member Pagination (AJAX broken in IE8/links broken without AJAX)

  • @tobyhawkins


    I’m running WP4.1 and BP2.1.1 and am having an issue with group pagination.

    Everything works fine in Chrome, but in IE8 (which I, irritatingly, have to support) clicking on another page of members results in “This group has no members”.

    I assume this is an AJAX problem, but switching to no AJAX won’t work either. /group/members page pagination links work fine, but only shows some page numbers (expected): 1 2 … 6 ->. To see the other page numbers you have to move to one of the other pages, but once on the other pages all of the links point to the current page.

    So on the homepage you have:
    1 – no link
    2 – /group/members/?mlpage=2

    6 – /group/members/?mlpage=6
    -> – /group/members/?mlpage=2

    But if I go to page 6, for instance, I get:
    <- – /group/members/?mlpage=6
    1 – /group/members/?mlpage=6

    5 – /group/members/?mlpage=6
    6 – no link

    I think this issue has been raised by a couple of other people with no answer and wasn’t sure if it was exactly the same, so sorry if I should have added this to one of their tickets.

    If there’s no easy/obvious solution I don’t mind trying to debug it, but would appreciate if someone could direct me where to start.

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  • @henrywright


    Hey @tobyhawkins

    Can you check if pagination works with the default theme activated (Twenty Fifteen) and all plugins disabled? If you still experience the problem then, I’d suggest opening a ticket on Trac. If the problem goes away then it’s likely to be theme or plugin related.



    I’m having a similar issue with BP2.1 and WP4.1. The group pagination links aren’t working on either the front or back-end. They work fine for the member list, but not the groups.

    On the front-end, the links seem to be pointing to the correct mlpage=#, but when clicked they do nothing.

    On the back-end, the links work for page 2, but all the rest are all pointing to member_page=3.

    I’ve disabled all plugins, switched to default WP themes, and used a couple different browsers and the problem exists in all cases. Is this a known issue?



    I can verify this behavior and will take a look.

    Thanks for the report.



    Sorry I never replied. Turning off all the plugins and going to the default theme is a bit torturous on the site I’m supporting.



    BuddyPress 2.2 should fix this problem.

    Release is imminent so stay tuned!



    It is indeed fixed in v2.2, thank you.

    Is there any way to get the AJAX working in IE8, or is that a no-hoper?

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