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Hardcoding a Widget into BP home ?

  • @bowromir


    Hi everyone,

    Is it possible to hardcode a widget into your homepage.. so that you can give it a custom width and are not limited to the widget sizes in your theme ?

    I have a 3 Column layout but would like to have 2 columns at the top of my homepage which shows the SiteWide Activity Feed on the Left and the Paginated Site Wide Post ( plugin on the Right.

    The left part is easy because that’s 1 big column and is widgetized but I need to hardcode the other widget before the actual 2 widget columns to make this work.. Any help would be greatly appreciated! And please keep in mind that I’m a total php n00b :P

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  • @mrmaz


    To manually call a widget you need to do something like this:


    $w = new BP_Activity_Widget();

    $w->widget(array(‘widget_name’ => ‘Hello World’));


    Did not test this ;)

    How i can hardcode the sitewide activity widget?

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