Another alternative instead of separating WPMU & bbpress capabilities: you can assign specific user meta for each users. Say, the meta value is an array containing all forum ID that specific user belongs to. Of course you need to write some hack to the bbPress side as well. That way you can share both public & private forums in a single bbpress install.
Just an idea. I haven’t look into the code too
Ya. ya. uhuh. Well, gotta lie to bbpress_live. Alot.
Why does mu care what my bb_capabilities are? Why does mu know about them at all? It’s obvious they are on the mu side of the fence and for some reason they have to be but why?
My role in bbpress should be represented in bbpress. I guess it is. The meta data just happens to be in a mu table. I don’t have a user table in bbpress when integrated with mu.
My role on blog ‘a’ has nothing to do with my role on blog ‘b’. Why can’t we treat a bbpress install as a blog? wp_1_capabilities, bb_1_capabilities.
Just thinking out loud.
Back to your comment. Yes. That’s what I would have to do. ‘bb_capabilities’ is for single connection to mu/bbpress. Then I need code to sit between the ‘get user capabilities’ request from bbpress and the ‘deliver bbpress connection params’ bp uses to fire up bbpress_live and start talking.
Gotta go look at the code.
I don’t mind spending a week to figure out a solution. Problem is that Sam, Andy and the powers that be are all sequestered in a smoke filled room with cigars deciding something.
What is that something? Would I be wasting my time? Dunno. That’s why “Hey Andy..”
In the meantime there’s this plugin called Hidden Forums by _ck_.
I just found out that this ‘deep integration’ stuff where you load mu in your bb-config.php actually works. Well, maybe. Evidently the actions and filters in mu are gone when you do this. I have access to all sorts of bp and mu goodies now.
Gonna play. I’ll be awake for the next 2 or 3 days now. I should have access to all sorts of stuff from bp to get this forum issue out of the way.
Burt, I would love your help with deep integration. Are you putting some code in bb-config.php? What? The net has all sorts of examples and every one of them gives me a blank screen.
If you’re getting it working, does this mean you can load the BuddyBar with your bbPress forum?
Can you load the sidebar, with widgets?
I’m having trouble just with users being able to login at MU and then be logged in at my forums.
Mornin’ wardeh! I’ve just started playing with the deep stuff. I’m gonna do some serious testing today. I can get mu and bp vars and bp functions. I just tried a couple of quick things.
My setup is to put a couple of things into bb-config.php:
$bb->WP_BB = true;
if (file_exists('../wp-blog-header.php'))
if (file_exists('../../wp-blog-header.php'))
That’s it. Well ya gotta have user integration done. Cookies and sessions no. I changed stuff around so many times I just stopped doing the session integration. It’s not important now and evidently there are still major problems when going deep and sessions, nonces, cookies.
I haven’t tried doing anything major yet. I’ve created my own little bbpressBar. Then I found this deep stuff. Gonna do it though. Some things like ‘blog authors’ wont translate to running on bbpress.
This is gonna be fun. I found two plugins that I’m gonna adapt for getting group forums running better on bbpress. hidden-forums.php and read-only-forums.php and they look like they’ll work well with what I have in mind.
I played around using get_header() and get_footer() on the bbpress side to load the mu header and footer for look-and-feel. I just dropped it. I’ve already got the forums looking and feeling kinda the way I want them.
Good morning, Burt. Thanks for that bit of code. I’ll try it and hope for no blank screens!
Will you keep me informed as to your experiments?
So do you think I should undo my cookies and sessions part of the integration?
I’ve got the hidden-forums plugin waiting in the wings because I want admin and moderator only forums hidden from members. I haven’t had time to figure out how to set it up yet.
I’m really glad for you that you’re finding a solution.
Burt, no blank screen!
But what I don’t know now is what I can do with that bit of code. What are my possibilities?
wardeh, sorry it took so long to get back to you. Been busy. From what I gather all wpmu and bp functions are available. However none of the actions and filters on the mu side are in effect. I’m still not sure what that means. Just something I’ve read.
I don’t know if this deep integration is even what I want. I know it’s problematic at the moment. I think it’s going to take some time for sambauers and the gurus at bbpress to work out the kinks. I generate enough problems on my own. I’d like to keep the problems to *me*. I have a chance of fixing those. 
I do know that xmlrpc works *now*. That’s what bp is using for the bp-forums component. Loading all of mu just to get at a few functions is kinda overkill. I think what I’m gonna do is create a couple of more xmlrpc methods on the wpmu side that will be called from bbpress. Such as:
‘get_all_group_forums’ – gets all bp groups that have forums and the forum id so that read-only-forums and hidden-forums can be automagicly configured. My plan is to configure all public group forums read-only and private and hidden groups hidden-forums.
‘get_all_group_members’ – Foreach group with forums get the members of that group and automagicly configure an override for each group member in that forum.
So from the bbpress side to configure read-only and hidden-forums, we get all the groups that have forums and then all the members of those groups and make the two bbpress plugins work with that info. Should be enough.
Using xmlrpc is better than loading all of wpmu just to do those two things. Especially since this deep integration is still flaky.
xmlrpc has added benefits. It’s way cooler.
My forums don’t have to reside on the same server as my bp/wpmu install. I keep hearing rumblings, rumorings and hintings about xmlrpc. It’s kinda like sleeping and lurking. Getting ready for something. Comments by wpmu gurus about xmlrpc privately, Andy relying on it for forums. Something’s brewing.
Does anyone know how to integrate the forums so that it takes on the characteristics of the homepage and not the forum css and header?
start a new topic for that, lets not drag this back up again.