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Hide admin from member list

  • pstidsen



    I have just made this site:

    I want to hide the superadmin user/owner, webintas, from the member list at front page etc. The user should not appear at the front end at all. How is it possible?

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  • danbp


    I recently answered the same question on my french help forum a few days ago and provided a solution Code is commented in french. Hope for you that you understand php and french.

    If not, no worry ! Google translate works well and copy/pasting also so far i know.

    What the code does ?
    – remove admin’s activity from all activity screens
    – remove “admin” from members directory
    – remove “admin” from Friends lists (if exist)

    – remove “admin” from the friends bp core widget and create a new one who doesn’t call “admin”, in case you want to use this widget.
    You can use this last snippet as example for create it yourself if you use the 2 other core plugins (Who’s online and Recently Active Members)

    And last but not least, don’t use “admin” as username, specially if you don’t want it to appear.
    Don’t login to your site to produce a post or a relationship as “admin”. Editor is enough and keep the admin role, aka john doe, only for maintenance work.



    Hi danbp

    I have now inserted all of your code in functinos.php, but the only place the admin user disappear is at the “All users”-page. The admin user still shows up at the group members pages and the front page where I have listed all members with the Bowe code plugin.

    I need to hide the admin from the entire site.

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