@Symm2112, thanks a lot for your ’99’ status trick – it most definitely hides the user from everything in BP, just what is was looking for.
@Symm2112, thank you as well for the ’99’ trick.
I’m not sure why ’99’ works, but it does and I am most grateful for it. Thanks
@dmanthony : cool. not sure that I ‘ve understood where I should enter 99 to hide admin … ?
For those still looking for a solution to this, you can add the following code to the functions.php file of your active theme. The username gets replaced with the username you wish to hide. Alternatively, you could substitute the stuff in the parens of the conditional with a properly done current_user_can() statement to hide all the administrators.
global $current_user;
if( $current_user->user_login == ‘username’ ) {
The reason chaging the users status to 99 will hide them is because it marks the user as a spammer. Which means only an admin can view their profile. However, thus far it has been the only way I have been able to accomplish the task of hiding the administrator.
There is one problem with that solution, it does not hide the user from groups
Hey Magi182 I put that code in my functions.php and still no changes ? any other way?
Using WP 3.2.1. & BP 1.5.1
I put the code in my Theme functions (functions.php)
should i put it in buddypress/bp-activity/bp-activity-functions.php or ?
I’m noob in codes & coding, but I really need this, so I hope someone will help me get it done