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Hide group activity from certain users

  • baedyllion


    I’m trying to find a solution of mine in my buddypress website.
    I want to hide group activity content of some users from certain users. The reason why I want to do this is I dont want my minor users to see the adults users’ shared content. I want my minor users to see content shared by other minor users, and I want my adult users to see content shared by other adult users.
    I have a user meta called “year”. I have users who filled this user meta by “2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010” and other users who filled this data by with 2005 and below.
    So in my case I want the users with data of “2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010” to see content of other users with the same data shared in group activity. And for users who have 2005 and below, I want them to see content of other users with the same data.
    I’ve researched a lot on this but didnt get any luck on finding a solution.
    I’d really appreciate If someone directs me in the right direction.

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