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hide members from search results

  • @johanna75


    If a member set to “show only me” his city.
    In the search results it can be find !

    Is it a buddypress bug?
    What is the issue to be privacy friendly?

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  • @johanna75


    It’s a real big privacy violation of user privacy.
    Can’t it be fix?



    @johanna75 – very interesting – I wonder if this happens with the other buddypress search plugins as well. I assume you are using the standard bp members search not one of the add on profile search plugins?



    I use the BP PROFILE SEARCH plugin (mandatory for members search form i think… because if Deactivate it search form deseapered)
    and SuitePlugins – Advanced XProfile Fields for BuddyPress



    @johanna75 – We do need some kind of universal “display public ok” field perhaps?

    Some people have fields set to ‘friends only’ – so things in search should only display to them.

    Bp has a thing in it when a user is marked as spam, then they are only visible to admins – so I think this kind of functioning is half in there already.

    Would be nice for the buddyblock and rtmedia plugins to also consider this visibility thing, and for buddyblock to be able to conditionally affect that as well.

    I could see the need for someone to hide certain things from the public and from specific people – what a nightmare it is when things that were assumed secret pop up in search results.. I had this happen with a wp install – pages published but password protected – well either the theme, or the post teaser plugin pulled data from those non public pages and put them smack in the public search results.

    Luckily the bp profile search pluing (that I also use – it’s great!) – is under active development – (I see the author has responded to the support forum on wp repo saying it is an issue that is under consideration, but bp does the same thing – so it’s no different in the privacy regard) wonder if we could ping the other bp peeps and rtmedia and buddyblock peeps tp put some heads together on this..

    I have a similar problem right now with rtmedia not meshing with buddyblock. When a user blocks and enemy on my site – that enemy can not message them or comment on their activity – but they can harass the sh*t out of them via comments on their media.



    For me, if a user set a data (like city) as “for me only” it will be normal that this member will not display in results if a search is done on his city name.
    It’s a very basic privacy respect… How can buddypress dev let this king of error ????




    i’m unable to reproduce what you’re telling. Sorry.
    I think you have to set up correctly that field in the profile field admin.

    When a field is created, you have 4 status options and 2 options for the status visibility. One to give users the possibility to change themselve the field status or to enforce it for all.

    Default setting is to let everybody set the visibility himself, whatever the status.

    If you choose, as admin, to enforce this field with the “only me” option, this status will be applied to all, without possibility to modify it later.

    The other important thing is to disable the autolink. When you set a field to be only viewable by one user, it is absolutely unecessary to make his value searchable!

    Once you deactivate the autolinking of your city field, you couldn’t no more search for cities.

    None of the built-in search forms on frontend will bring a result (wp search, BP members search) when autolink is disabled.

    When autolink is enabled, you can get the user’s living in the same city, but only via the profile link, not via the search form.

    If it is different for you, try to disable any additionnal search plugin before testing the standard BP environment.



    Thanks danbp for your answer. But for me it’s not working as you said.

    You’re write if i deactivated autolink it give 0 result from search.
    But I need to allow search by city for peoples who are ok to show their city.

    Example : Member A live in paris but don’t want to display this info
    Member B live in paris but is ok to show his info.

    If member C set paris in city search form need to give result only member B
    Today with city autolink on : A and B are in results
    If autolink off : no results



    We agree! But it is how it works actually, not a bug, eventually a lack of options.

    I would suggest you open an enhancement ticket for this with some more arguments.

    , any thoughts ?




    Six years later(!) I’ve run into this same privacy issue. Just curious, are you still using BuddyPress and did you ever find a solution?

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