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Holy shit: Everything I touch is turning into poop

  • I’ve been trying to debug my site and it seems like bp-core PHP files I touch become non-functional despite me reverting to the exact code from the 1.0b1 release.

    For example:

    That page I made one change and then changed right back to the original code. I promise there are members and now there are none. This “touching” problem, I strongly suspect, may be the root of my bp-core-widgets problem.

    Do the BP plug-ins need to be loaded in a certain way? If so, how do I force this to happen?

    I would try removing all the BP plug-ins and re-installing, but, I fear, that will look like *all* files have been touched and therefore nothing will work. Since touching seems to be the problem, I am hesitant to try such a thing.

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  • Note: This “touching” problem does not seem to affect my test server. The test server is running PHP 5 whereas the “problem” server is PHP 4? Do people know what I mean when I say “touching” or am I coming across as a weirdo?

    Note: All file permissions and owners and groups are the same on the server.

    Is this a database cache problem? How does one fix that? (Note: this is *not* a browser caching issue. I’ve tried loading the page on different browsers on different machines on different operating systems)

    NOTE: Restarted Apache. Restared SQL server. Switched to PHP 5… all with no luck. (sub-note: BuddyPress didn’t seem to like PHP 5)




    not necessarily any help, but I’m using the same host as you, and I’m trying to sort out a 404/BlankScreenof Death on my Groups page as per long thread on the forum, and it’s not clear what’s happening as it working fine on my localhost on windoze 2000 and it’s a bogstandard install.


    PARTY FOUL: I was unintentionally reverting to pre 1.0b1 versions of the files. Thus the bugs. Thus my insanity for swearing up and down that I was using the original code. I was… just *too* original.

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