@mattmct: Or you could use conditional statements in a custom template. It would go something like this:
Cheers for the replies guys, I think the conditional statements option would work well.
Thanks for the example as well!
Edit: Ah, what file do I edit? Index.php or my theme?
You want to edit the index.php that’s IN your theme folder 
Thanks for the reply, I must be doing something wrong as I can’t seem to get it working, or even pick up any of my changes.
The admin area says, Unplugged uses templates from BuddyPress Default..
I assume I need to edit index.php in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/ ?
Any tips?
Many thanks!
Is there a BP default theme folder in your themes directory as well? I’ve been using my child theme for so long that I can’t remember how a vanilla install is situated.
Fix / found it.
The index.php files I needed to change was located in.
Thanks for the help!
Technically, you should probably be creating a directory named activity in your active theme’s folder (i.e., Unplugged) and copying the original bp-default’s index.php file (that you finally located) into that folder, then modifying the copy. I think.
Or, arguably, I guess you could even make a…grandchild theme? EDIT: Actually, I don’t think making a child of a child is really an option, but I don’t know for sure.