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How can I get a registration shortcode?

  • vm_design


    Buddypress has a lot of potential, but I am very surprised there aren’t shortcodes for things like the registration page. Can anyone suggest how to get a shortcode for the registration page? I need to hage some text above the registration form.

    I’m not experienced with php, but if anyone has a suggestion – please share!

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  • danbp



    BuddyPress use templates to show his stuff.
    The registration is part of WP and BP’s xprofile component add only some additionnal fields to the original register form.

    If you open a template file you will see a lot of code and many lines starting by do_action( ‘something’ );

    These files are all stored in bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/

    Now you have already the where and the what. here’s the how.

    To show some text on the register page you have two options:
    1) altering the whole template file bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/register.php
    2) add what you want by using an action hook

    The second method is the fasted and the easiest. You just need to write a function and you’re done.

    function valeriemanne() {
       echo 'Here i am !';
    add_action( 'bp_before_register_page', 'valeriemanne' );

    Add this to your child theme functions.php file or into bp-custom.php

    WordPress codex references
    Child theme



    Thanks so much for the fast response! However, I have quite a bit of text and am using the divi builder to display the before content. So it would be a very lengthy echo. Is there any chance you would add shortcodes to buddypress in the future?

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