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How do i stop BuddyPress from hijacking a page called "Members"?

  • @vobpler


    I have a page (not related to BuddyPress in any way), that BuddyPress keeps hijacking with the Buddypress Members page. I’m guessing it has to do with the slug/template of the page?

    The slug of the page is “varfor-medlem”, so i doubt that’s what causes the hijack. The page template is called “Medlemmar”, and the filename is `template-members-nbp.php` (`-nbp` standing for not-buddypress, because i tried renaming the file to see if that helped).

    In Settings -> BuddyPress -> Pages, i have set up all the pages as they should be. The hijacked page is not used as one of the page templates. The actual template page works as expected, and looks identical to the hijacked page (they’re the same page essentially).

    The hijacked page is a subpage, if that matters. The parent uses the default page.php template and the slug is `medlem-business-partner`. The hijacked page has a few siblings, neither of which are hijacked, so i don’t think the fact that it is a subpage is causing it.

    Any ideas what’s causing the hijack? I’ve tried reinstalling the plugin without success (i don’t even know if the settings are removed on uninstall?).

    *Edit:* The page isn’t actually called “Members”, but rather “Medlemmar” which translates to “Members” in English. I find it hard to believe the page name would cause something like this though, that would just be bad programming!

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  • @modemlooper


    Do you have the members page as a sub page?



    No, the page i set up to be used as the Members page is not a subpage.



    are you using a language file that is changing the members to medlemmar? What happens if you change the page to something else? 



    Yes, i have Swedish language files installed and everything in Buddypress is in Swedish now. Changing the page works as expected, but the “Medlemmar” (the hijacked page) is still being hijacked. I’ve tried renaming the hijacked page as well, no difference.

    My first thought was it was hijacking the page because of the template name (filename or actual template name), which was `Medlemmar” and `template-members.php`, but even after renaming the file to `template-members-nbp.php` it still doesn’t work. I can try to rename the actual template name tomorrow, but i don’t have access to it now.

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