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How do you add a photo to a default Buddy page?

  • @tgoedde


    I want to dress up my sites member pages like the register, activity etc with photos. How do I add a photo banner to the top of those theme pages?

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  • @imath


    Hello @tgoedde

    If you’re using the theme BP Default, it’s quite easy actually. As this theme supports custom-header, you can simply edit the BuddyPress pages (Activity, register, groups, forum… and so on) in which you want to add a custom header.

    I just tested this in my activity page.
    1/ Edit the page in WordPress backend
    2/ Use the media button to select your photo, it must have at least a width of 1250px (if under, the pic won’t show)
    3/ Upload and choose not to insert but to use as featured image. Once done you can close the thick box window.
    4/ you’ll see in the edit page / the featured image box at the bottom right with your uploaded image shrinked.
    5/ Save the page. And you’re done ;)

    Repeat these steps for each BuddyPress template you want to add a custom header to.



    I do not want to create a custom header for each page, but add a long narrow photo under the page title above the page content. Or maybe a photo under the content. So each page/section looks unique.



    sorry i misunderstood, i’m not english, i thought banner == header…

    This is an example for the activity/index.php template : the hook just under the activity page title is :

    so in the functions.php of your active theme, you can add something like this :

    `add_action(‘bp_before_directory_activity_content’, ‘i_do_not_want_custom_header’);

    function i_do_not_want_custom_header(){


    I’m sure you’ll find the right hooks to add your ‘narrow photo’ in the other BuddyPress templates..



    Thanks Imath. I’ll give that a try. DO I need to add a Simple Hooks plug in first?

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