bp_dtheme_blog_comments() is a callback for wp_list_comments in comments.php. So the best way is to give your new version a different name (eg chouf_blog_comments() ) and then change comments.php in your new theme to call that function instead of the bp_dtheme version, eg
` ‘chouf_blog_comments’ ) ); ?>`
@Boone Gorges : great, thank you !
This should be documented somewhere in the BP doc
i only found this:
bp_dtheme_blog_comments( $comment, $args, $depth ) X-Ref
Template for comments and pingbacks.
To override this walker in a child theme without modifying the comments template
simply create your own bp_dtheme_blog_comments(), and that function will be used instead.
Used as a callback by wp_list_comments() for displaying the comments.
param: mixed $comment Comment record from database
param: array $args Arguments from wp_list_comments() call
param: int $depth Comment nesting level
This tells we can do something not how we can do that. You give the right answer 
You’re right it could be better commented, but in BP’s defense, this is a core WP functionality, and part of just about every modern theme
Actually, I just looked at the code, and the comment there is correct. The entire function is wrapped in a function_exists check, which means that you could simply put your own version of bp_dtheme_blog_comments() in your child theme’s functions.php, and it would override the one in bp-default (no changes to comments.php necessary). The way that you’ve done it will continue to work just fine, of course.
@Boone Gorges That is what i done first ! But helas, it doesn’t work: i had a blank page.
And that is why i asked here…. but if you can give me the command syntax for that function_exists for bp_dtheme_blog_comments (i didn’t find it in WP or BP), i would appreciate !