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How much memory does BuddyPress need?

  • Apologies if this question has been asked before but I am unable to access my WP admin dashboard. Have had an error displayed regarding lack of memory. Having edited my php.ini file to increase memory size to 256 I still have the same issue. Any ideas as to how I can resolve this matter, please? I am using the latest versions of both WP and Buddy Press.

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  • 256 is more than enough

    Have you definitely edited the correct copy of php.ini what does phpinfo() run from your site root say is set for script memory? And did you re-start the httpd process



    Not all hosts allow you to increase memory that way. Some do not allow it at all!

    To get into your admin you could use ftp ( or your web-host’s control panel ) to disable some plugins by renaming the directory/folder(s) – ie:- /wp-content/plugins/theplugin/ – Some plugins use a lot of memory.

    If the theme you are using has lot’s of options it could also be quite memory hungry.

    I find the check memory allocation limit feature of ( screenshots ) useful to find out how much memory WP thinks it has. There are other alternatives though…


    Thanks for your reply. I understand there is only one copy of the php.ini file. My host installed it for me to adjust the memory value. I am not clear what you are asking. If you are asking whether the php.ini file is in the root directory then the answer is “yes”. There is a line in the script that reads “memory_limit = 128M”. I have taken this figure right up to 4096M and still I cannot open my wp admin dashboard, so is this really a memory issue I wonder?

    Should I be looking at another line to tell me that the php.ini file is ” set for script memory”?

    What do you mean by “re-start the httpd process”?


    I have renamed the the BuddyPress folder to BuddyPress2, using my ftp software. This had no affect either.

    It it helps I am using the Creativix theme which is the second most popular after Twenty10, so I thought it should be proven and therefore minimise any technical issues there maybe.

    Your suggestion for a check memory allocation plugin is a great one. I shall install one, once I have managed a way back into my Admin dashboard.

    Finally you may wish to know that the error code that I see in my host error log is that the fault is happening in a line in the php-db folder.



    This is a little confusing….

    Did you install wordpress and buddypress yourself ‘via ftp’ or did you use a webhost’s automated system and how far did you get with wordpress before these errors occured? It might be easier to re-install wordpress from scratch manually….

    Renaming the folder would disable buddypress so that shouldn’t be a factor, suggesting this is not a buddypress problem. Have you installed any ‘buddypress’ plugins and what wordpress plugins have you installed? Are you sure these are all compatible with your versions of bp/wp ( ) .

    To get back into your wordpress installation you could try

    Did you go through the theme compatibility process for buddypress: ?


    Thanks for your comprehensive reply. Do you mean this issue was “confusing”?

    I used the web host’s automated system.

    Renamed plugin folder and then moved all the plugins back into the original plugin folder, except for the Buddy Press plugins. My WP dashboard and website is now accessible again.

    Checked the codex compatibility list. This suggests there may have been a conflict between my Expresso event and BuddyPress plugins – another good reason for removing BuddyPress.

    Yes, I did go through the theme compatibility test and passed.

    Thanks again for your help.

    Firstly please avoid auto install they tend to cause issues more times than any of us probably care to remember in dealing with posts here.

    Secondly do not set php script memory to a value in the region you mentioned ‘4096M’ the reason for this config setting in php is to AVOID the possibility that a script could get stuck in an infinite loop and drain all your system memory at which point your machine would grimace and grind to a halt. So a value as mentioned earlier 128M or 256M is more than enough and the issue you have is not due to this aspect.

    Your host has provided a ‘Local’ copy of php.ini for your site they still have a master copy that runs for all sites or for the main web server if you run phpinfo() in a file you will see the settings table is divided into two one for master values one for local. Some server boxes that run things like Plesk control panels tend to have a confusing set of php.ini copies which is why I asked about editing correct one.

    Are you running Event Espresso plugin for WP?

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