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How to add ‘Specific Custom User Role when adding User into a Group’

  • iicchisan


    I’ve been spending my time searching for a way to add Custom User Role in a Group whenever the Administrator (or anyone with access) add new member into that specific Group in WordPress but there’s no luck.

    what I’m trying to do is for example in WordPress, I have a user name “Kevin” with default user role “Contributor”. I want to add Kevin into a group named “Dev Team” with custom role as “Web Designer” specific only for that group. currently if I add users into a group, it will display default role as “Members” only. and I like to display custom user role for each member in a group.

    so the default will be like:
    Group: “Dev Team” Members:
    Michael (Administrator)
    Kevin (Moderator)
    Keith (Member)
    Lisa (Member)

    while what I want to achieve is:

    Group: “Dev Team”. Members:
    Michael (Administrator)
    Kevin (Web Designer)
    Keith (Programmer)
    Lisa (System Analyst)

    Group: “Marketing Team”. Members:
    Michael (Administrator)
    Kevin (Marketing Operator)
    Keith (Database Administrator)
    Lisa (Customer Service)

    is there any way to achieve this?

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  • dontabell


    Did you ever accomplish the custom group roles issue? I need a similar solution.

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