@adelack – two thoughts:
1. You can probably do this with the new WordPress custom post types. Build a theme that only gives your users an image upload post type
2. Modify the activity status update to support image uploads, and use that instead of blogs for your users
@adelack –
If you agree to use the sub-blog for this purpose, you can use p2 theme on the sub-blog.
Actually, there is a plugin: oEmbed for BuddyPress. But on my last try did not work. Or I missed something.
@rogercoathup Ok looks like I’ll modify the status update to support image uploads. Any advice on how to do this would be much appreciated!?
@adelack –
I would follow the recommendation from @lightcapturer and try the oEmbed plugin – which will let you pull images from urls
If you want actual image upload features, that would be much harder work – you could look at how the avatar upload code works for profiles and try to find some ideas from that
Thanks again I have started to use bp_album+ plugin which is pretty close to adding the functionality I want straight out of the box as it enables image uploads and comments to be posted to users wire. Just got to figure out how to remove upload privacy options now!?!
Thanks @rogercoathup and @lightcapturer your suggestions led me to finding this (possible) solution 
@adelack Bp-album+ (I think it’s called bp media now) was going to be my other suggestion… It’s definitely a good starting point for your image upload challenges. Good luck with your site.