How to attach photo or video in a post update on activity and member page?
In facebook you can attach video & photo Files in your wall, is this also possible in Buddypress?
Funny you should ask that, as that is what I’ve just been quizzed over by a client who expects and wants to be able to upload a photo directly into an activity update or forum post; the answer is you can’t at present.
I try to find a plugin online, but with no success Yet……otherwise I must develop one.
Ray’s oembed plugin will let you achieve something similar – store your videos / photos on a supported 3rd party and use the urls in your update:
That’s not necessarily user friendly, I have that installed but users will not necessarily have media uploaded somewhere and at the limited? number of providers oEmbed can make use of, however most users are familiar with uploading media from their local machines via a simple upload form control and will likely want that or at least the option to do it this way.
Re ‘Limited’: Correction; oEmbed can have the white list of sites added to.
With BP Gallery by @sbrajesh, you can enable/disable uploads from Activity stream update. You will also be then asked to associate that photo to album/s you have already created. In addition, when you create a user or a group album (if you enable it), you have the option of publishing 5 images or so to your activity stream or the group’s activity stream.
Also have that Mercime but it works in a very odd way or have I missed something? uploading using that tiny little graphic just under the update posting box doesn’t add anything into the actual update it just posts to an existing gallery it doesn’t embed the image in an actual update one may have written
Yes, uploading local media would have seemed like the logical first step – before building support for external providers.
I suspect though, that it all comes down to the lack of support for media uploads in core BuddyPress.
I’m curious why the standard WordPress core media uploads / gallery handling / thumb-nailing etc. haven’t been integrated with the BuddyPress member profiles. Is there something fundamental that stops those existing routines from being utilised and mapped to profiles instead of posts? I feel that in this area, 3rd party plugins are unnecessarily re-inventing the wheel.
Well what tends to happen as I’m experiencing and which client isn’t going to be happy with nor understand is that disparate third party plugins all tend to take a different approach, utilise different mechanisms resulting in a mix of different UX/UI for the end user, and that simply doesn’t work once you confuse the user or worse the client then you’re in trouble.
@hnla – the only time the upload didn’t work for me fwas after I upgraded to WP 3.0 and it was my fault for not double-checking the necessary change in .htaccess was done, I just assumed it did
Needless to say that you wouldn’t have made that kind of error at all. What did @sbrajesh say about your situation? He has helped many others with their installs – even checking the servers and configurations.
Since BP Gallery has multiple file uploads with group albums as well as single user albums, the way he structured the plugin was the most logical way IMO. Personally, the bottom line for me is that as long as the plugin is working according to plan and the community members are happy with their user and group albums, so am I
I’m looking forward to the BP Gallery upgrade after BP 1.2.6 rolls out.
@mercime sorry the mention of ‘very odd’ wasn’t meant as a criticism of BP Gallery, more that users will find that facility to upload from that point in the site slightly confusing – as has already been highlighted to me so it’s not my supposition at work here, however all it needs is some UI clarity which I’m happy to work in so that users are clear what features do without them having to find out by trial and error e.g on an icon you MUST always provide an alternative means to identify it as a link, and an image MUST have an ‘alt’ attribute this is proscribed and not optional as well one may also decide to add perhaps title attribute to the anchor.
But far more importantly the issue that the thread alludes to is not one of BP Gallerys making, BP gallery isn’t at fault here it was never supposed to provide the ability to add a simple image directly to ones updates, or was it? have I missed something really obvious here in it’s functionality?
Hi Guys,
thanks for the feedback…. @mercime thanks for the tip about the BP Gallery.
I agree with @rogercoathup on the lack for media, and re-inventing the wheel. But it appears there is still need for further expansion in the media, maybe a wanna have or desire in the next release
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