anyone try this out and like it?
Dwenaus, saw this link from Yup, it’s calmed down for sure
Thank you.
I’ve just added this to namoo and it seems to have squashed things down nicely. We might have to add something extra to make it easier to work out what is going on though, and to remove the large grey areas.
Very useful though, thanks
Worked great for me. A lot easier on the eyes…Thanks for sharing!
15 years, 1 month ago
If you have a really active conversation going you’ll notice that the comment nesting – while very cool – can get a bit out of hand. (ie.
A simple fix is to reduce the amount of left-margin applied to each comment.
to do this you can create a child theme, which you’ll probably need to do anyway. (great how-to here:
then add this code to the the bottom of style.css of your child theme (if you are inheriting the main buddypress css):
and set both the margin-left to 0 if you want to turn nesting off altogether, or reduce the values to calm it further.