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How to create LinkedIn with Buddypress?

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  • Henry Wright


    Perhaps list all of the featured LinkedIn has that you want to have in your BuddyPress site then recommending plugins will be a little easier

    Henry Wright







    Hi agin Thank u & sorry for my late response.

    & @bphelp this is the feuters that I want:
    1- Users can upload their resume.
    2- Users can find jobs, people and business opportunities recommended by other users.
    3- Employers can list jobs and search for potential candidates.
    4- Job seekers can review the profile of hiring managers and discover which of their existing contacts can introduce them.
    5- Users can post their own photos and view photos of others to aid in identification.
    6- Users can follow different companies and can receive notifications about the new joining and offers available.
    7- Users can save (bookmark) jobs that they would like to apply for.
    8- Users can “like” and “congratulate” each other’s updates and new employments.
    9- Users can see who has visited their profile page.
    10- Questions & Answers
    11- Advertisments (for admin a.k.a me)
    12- Job listings
    13- “Apply with” button
    14- “Saved Jobs” button
    15- Users can endorse each other’s skills.
    16- Influencers (like the one in the linkedIn)
    thx u all

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