so you have a multisite and want to disable the buddypress bar on specific blog_id ??
possible on a custom job… see me for that!
btw, as i’m working on a tool right now that integrate the Buddypress Adminbar inside the official WordPress Adminbar, here is the setting i added when thinking of you:

that´s nice. but i think you got me wrong.
i want to disable the hole buddypress stuff to get a clean wordpressblog to use my old and self styled wp-theme.
=== i want to disable the hole buddypress stuff to get a clean wordpressblog to use my old and self styled wp-theme. ===
Do you mean you want to delete BuddyPress?
nope, just disable it on one or two sites, for the rest of the network it should still be activated by default.
Then as nexia mentioned above, that is a custom job. BP is network-activated i.e. by default for all sites of a multisite installation.
One way you can prevent BP in main site or secondary site from importing data from all sites is by marking e.g. My Blog in Settings > Permalnks – “I would like to block search engines, but allow normal visitors” or even choose additional options with
And you know that even network activated, all users have their BP profile on the main site?
BuddyPress is network-wide, not blog specific.
“One way you can prevent BP in main site or secondary site from importing data from all sites is by marking e.g. My Blog in Settings > Permalnks – “I would like to block search engines, but allow normal visitors” or even choose additional options with”
Which blocks search engines as well.
Better off to mark the blog as mature instead.
best option is to export that specific blog and install it anew outside your network…
thanks guys!
i´ll install it somewhere else, until i find a better solution