If you created page template for the home page by copying your theme’s page.php, just remove the comment tag in the page template. Or, edit page (home page template) and disable discussions/comments in edit panel (below the text area)
There is a comment option below the text area, but there’s no option which I can switch off the comment?! And I have not ticked “Allow Comment” either.
Still cannot delete the comment?! Anybody help! Thanks.
Copy and post the code used for home page in pastebin.com and then post the generated pastebin URL here.
12 years, 3 months ago
I have disabled comment on static pages through the Setting, but I still see comment box on my website anyway, especially on the homepage doesn’t look nice? So, what can I do to remove the comment box from pages? Anybody knows how to? I thank you in advance!
My website is: http://buddygalaxy.com/
My wordpress version is: 3.4.2
My buddypress version is: 1.6.1