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How to implement these features in a WordPress NGO project?

  • cypherinfo


    I am committed for an NGO project to implement (in an already existing website) the following functionalities:
    New members:
    1.would have a registration form for entering their complete profile;
    2.will have a front-end dashboard; with the ability to edit their profile;
    3.registration details would be fed into their profile and included in a general membership directory viewable to website visitors.
    I am new to buddypress and I wonder if and how it is capable to do them; any tip is the welcome 🙂

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  • shanebp


    You should set up a test site so that you can do a proper evaluation.


    1. The reg form will include any profile fields you place in the ‘Base’ profile group.

    2. Each member has a page that includes profile editing.

    3. All active members are shown on the ‘Members’ page. That page can include profile details.

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