@modemlooper I put the code from the gethub link in my functions.php and I placed
in the header.php after the and I can’t seem to get this to work, any help is greatly appreciated!
Oops code got stripped sorry!
@modemlooper I put the code from the gethub link in my functions.php and I placed
in the header.php after the“ and I can’t seem to get this to work, any help is greatly appreciated!
Its stripping out the code here, whats the problem?
make sure you are on the visual editor
@modemlooper I used the code you supplied on gethub and I put it in my child themes functions.php between opening and closing php tags. Then I placed bp_notification_badge() within opening and closing php tags in the header.php just under the div id=”header” and nothing shows up at all. What have I done wrong?
try using bp-custom.php
place that file in your plugins folder
That just gave me a white screen
you must not be placing code correctly.
I am not much of a coder but shouldn’t there be an add action at the end of that github code? I may be mistaken because I am a total noob. Sorry!
@modemlooper I’ve done you instructed and everything I know to do. I put the github code in bp-custom.php and I put your other code which calls it within the header div in header.php and it doesn’t spit out anything. I just don’t know where I am going wrong! This is all in my child theme WP 3.5.1 and BP 1.6.4
@medemlooper It just does not work, is there an error in the syntax, did you forget the add action below the function? Just curious because I can not get it to work. I wish there was an easier way to do this because It would be awesome. Please help I am stuck and I have done just about everything I know to do to get this going!
Still not working I added an echo “This Works” to the function and it prints it to the left of the header so why is the notifications not showing up? The function is being passed and called but no notifications? I’m baffled! Please help, thanks!
I have been following this and I am having the same issues. I am very close to hiring a developer to do this and a couple other things because I just can’t get it to work in my theme.
@bphelp, @cassius123 the code works fine, you’ll probably find you have no notifications, if thats the case @modemlooper’s code won’t display anything, you also need to style it, so it acts like it does in the admin bar but the code works fine, place it in your functions.php or bp-custom.php and call bp_notification_badge() from where ever you want the notifications to show up.
@modemlooper please upload the gist again..or share the code here.. thanks a ton