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How to install BuddyPress as a secondary blog of WPMU

  • Derek Melo


    Hey Guys!

    I need to install BuddyPress as a secondary blog of my WPMU network, ’cause my project is based in a WPMU blogs network, but I want the social integration too, like when I make a new post in one of the WPMU blogs, that post appears at my Activity Stream.

    I need this like I can set one theme to the main site and another theme to the buddypress installation.

    Is it possible?



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  • @mercime


    Sure, you can BP in a secondary blog of your WPMU installation. Create a bp-custom.php file and in it add the following so you can set which blog ID BuddyPress will run on:
    define ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, $blog_id );
    Replace $blog_id with the actual side ID# e.g. 35 then save file and upload to wp-content/plugins/ folder

    – from

    Sure, you can activate a BP-compatible theme for that specific BP in secondary site.




    If i understand well, i only need to add the code below (where 3 is the secondary blog ID) in wp-config.php, right?

    `define ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 3 );`

    But where exactly? Does it make any difference if i place it one line or the other? Where should i put it? Before and after which line?

    By the way, i guess i will, but could someone please confirm i can have a different and independent buddypress install for each of the blogs in the wordpress multisite network?

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