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How to integrate with geo my wp global maps and wc vendors

  • @ngiderin



    First of all we would have to say that we have very limited ability in modifying php code. All we have done was just trying to combine several wordpress plugin to achieve the result we are looking for our website

    We are trying to build a multi-vendor marketplace website for highly mobile vendors;
    with the help of:
    a) Geo My WP plugin + Add ons (Global Maps, Exclude Members, Premium Settings)
    b) Buddypress plugin
    c) DOKAN Multi-Vendor Marketplace plugin

    What we are trying to accomplish are:
    1. A real time vendor’s position on the map.
    2. Shop display on click; in which we hope that by clicking a map marker (vendor’s map marker) the individual shop and product listing would be displayed.

    So far, we can only accomplish #1 (vendor’s position on the map):
    Showing our vendors position on Global Map based on their specific roles, by using Buddypress and Geo My WP plugins + add-ons simultaneously.

    We are now trying to accomplish #2, unfortunately:
    Clicking on the vendor’s map marker on the map would only show the vendor’s Buddypress profile without the shop or product listing; since apparently DOKAN & Buddypress plugins are not integrated.

    We would like to show the vendor’s profile and their shop/products altogether once the vendor’s map markers are clicked.

    Would using:
    a) Buddy Press plugin
    b) WC Vendors pro
    c) Buddy Press for WC Vendors (BP WC Vendors by themekraft)
    d) Geo My WP + Add-ons
    accomplish this? (showing the shop on profile info box when the map marker’s clicked and/or showing the shop on vendor’s buddypress profile)

    If no, is there any suggestion that you may advise us to accomplish showing both profile and shop, once the marker clicked?

    Are there anyone who can advise us on the possibilities?

    We are looking forward for your responses and advices. Any replies would be highly appreciated.

    Thank you

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  • @ngiderin


    We are using:
    Wordpress 4.6.1
    Buddy Press 2.6.2
    Geo My WP
    Woocommerce 2.6.4
    Dokan 2.4.12



    Have you considered WC Vendors Maps ?



    Hi @shanebp, thank you for creating an awesome plugin and responding.

    We are so impressed looking up into WC Vendors Map and we are now getting interested to apply WC Vendors Map.
    We see that the store are already embedded into the pop-up window, and when we click on them, the shop and products are shown promptly, which we really like.
    Yet there are still some lingering questions:

    1. Can WC Vendors Map displays the vendor’s current location automatically?
    Our vendors are very mobile, we would love to enable them to update their current location easily.

    2. We are going to display vendors by their roles (category), would WC Vendors Map able to sort which category (vendor roles) are on display?
    This is the main thing that made us choose Geo My Wp (for their Exclude Members add-on).

    3. Can the vendor set the time when they would be showing on the map based on their working hours (whether they are on business or OFF business)?
    We are concerned of the density (over-crowding) of map markers on the map displayed.

    Could you please answer us by the order of the numbers above, we are hoping that WC Vendors Map can be the solution.

    If no, is there any suggestion that you may advise us to accomplished the points above, whether they are plugins or add-ons.

    We are looking forward to hearing from you @shanebp, thank you for your time and advice.



    These forums are for BuddyPress.
    Please contact me via the PhiloPress website.

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