Hi there – anything at all? Or can someone point me in the direction of somewhere that might explain it in a bit more detail?
ok, what you did is not a mess but this is simple full width page.
If you want to get it in eight row div than put buddypress layout in that div before sidebar div.
1. Initial scan reveals that we can make the templates compatible by creating two/three files only and uploading it to your theme folder in server. The thing is, the page title won’t look like the “Contact Us” title on this page http://themes.blahlab.com/vagenta/?page_id=70 but would be within the content area of the left column. If you prefer that the page titles on the BP templates look like that of “Contact Us” title, then you’d need to revise 16 BP template files
I would opt for creating two/three files only intead of revising 16 files. What say you?
2. Either way. Open up your theme’s header.php file, copy all source, paste in pastebin.com, click submit, and post the generated URI here. If you haven’t changed anything in the header-buddypress.php as well as the code for the page.php posted in pastebin links posted above, no need to repost. But I need you to paste your theme’s index.php, loop-page.php, sidebar.php and footer.php files in pastebin and post the pastebin url’s here.
@mercime – Thank you so much for your time and assistance – I really appreciate it. Changing only 3 files sounds much better
I havent changed anything in the header-buddypress.php and the page.php that I pasted earlier, so the other pages you require are as follows..
index.php http://pastebin.com/YSapbSr3
loop-page.php http://pastebin.com/eRfPRvZP
sidebar.php http://pastebin.com/DsFKfk7k
footer.php http://pastebin.com/RuyJN18v
@misterhill You only need to create two new files, header-buddypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php to make your theme compatible with BP.
If you’ve revised any of the BP template files transferred to your vagenta theme folder in server during the BP Compatibility process, please delete the 6 BP folders transferred to your vagenta theme folder in server – /activity, /blogs, /forums, /members, /groups, /register – then re-run Appearance > BP Compatibility again to make sure that you have clean template files.
A. COPY your theme’s header.php and Save As > header-buddypress.php
Open up header-buddypress.php and at the BOTTOM of the file, below other code contained within, add this:
B. COPY sidebar.php and Save As > sidebar-buddypress.php file
Open up sidebar-buddypress.php and at the very TOP of the file above all other code, add:
At the very BOTTOM of the same file, below all other code, add:
jQuery(document).ready( function() {
if ( jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).length && !jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).hasClass(‘show’) )
jQuery( ‘input#signup_with_blog’ ).click( function() {
Save file.
C. Upload header-buddypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php to your theme folder in server wp-content/themes/vagenta/ in the same directory where your regular header.php and sidebar.php files are
D. Final note: Copy the style modifications for some BP elements https://codex.buddypress.org/theme-development/theme-dev-bp-template-pack-walkthrough-twenty-ten-bp-1-5/3/ and paste those at the bottom of your theme’s stylesheet, then adjust to taste.