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How to make Buddypress support my Theme completely

  • @vickievik


    Hello friends,

    I spent a long time to learn using wordpress and create my own beautiful custom wordpress themes…

    But for the last 3 days I am tryiing to run BuddyPress with the custom theme I designed…and after 3 days I am stuck tired of not being able to make my theme compatible with Buddypress…

    I searched n read hundreds of topics but still I m confused…and buddypress is not working welll with my theme…

    Kindly someone help and let me understand how to make buddypress compatible with my theme…or you can say how to make a buddypress compatible wp theme

    – cover image is not showing
    – activation page not loading
    – registration page not loading
    – profile image cropper not working…

    and a lot of other errors.. Pls let me know how to add buddypress to my theme… and make it work properly….

    Million Thanks in Advance

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  • @earl_d


    This might be a good place to start if you looked at it already?

    BuddyPress Theme Development



    Thanks Budddy,
    Let me read and understand it carefully..

    I may comeagain to ask for more…



    Hi @vickievik,

    the right question here would be how to make my theme compatible with buddypress.

    The thing to understand is that BP use dynamic content for its page and that these page are NOT ordinaty WP pages.
    For each content, BP fires a so called template-part.
    Lets take as example a profile page

    The slug is /members/ which exist as “page” on wp’s page list. This wp page has no content and also no model or template. It’s just a “slug” in the wp ecosystem.

    When you’re on a profile you have the page(aka /members/) but also many template parts, depending what you’re doing on that profile. Aside the common parts header – content – footer, you’ll find also personnal activity, frineds, groups, mentions, notifications, messages and not the worst, profile settings. All this on the same “page”.

    Most theme mistakes are at this point. People try to design the page, instead to work the template parts.

    When you design a theme, you usually design something for a page, independantly from any plugin. This structure is used by any Twenty Theme and you can follow them as model, because these themes are bullet proof and systematically used by all wp devs when building (in our case) BuddyPress

    BP can be used with almost any existing theme, so far this theme is respecting WP’s coding standarts.

    If you have brocken elements, and specially thoose using JS, it could be due to missing ID or class or even more simple, some missing instructions/conditionnals in your theme.

    BP’s template parts are designed to fit with a majority of themes. The best to do, at least while creating your first theme, is to use BP “as is” and build your theme around thoose existing parts and not to remove/modifying BP arts to fit your creation.



    Thanks for the reply DanP…it will be a great support and will help me move ahead towards designing a successful bp compatible theme…

    THanks again



    Thanks for your support friends.. It seems I have been able to achieve quiet a lot..

    But Right now I am facing two issues…I googled it but couldnt found any working solution yet.

    I: How to protect my buddypress site members/member profile content from non logged in or non-Registered users(or Just guests). I am just a beginner to php and unknown to functions to make this resricting function that works.

    II: For Logged-in users the Activation/Registration pages always lead to front-page with no Activation/Registration form.. and for Non -registered users it always leads default to home/index template..with complete activation/registration form.

    I have a front-page setup for welcome screen and want to add registration form to it or it would be good if the registration page always leads to Front-page with registration form features..

    kindly Help people
    Thanks & Regards



    For option 1 it sounds like you want to set up a private network – not allowing non-logged in users to view profile details etc.

    There’s a few options as to how to go about this, here’s a few:

    For option 2, one option might be to display the registration form in a widget area on the front page, it’s possible to only display this widget for logged out users:

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