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How to make my theme work with buddypress 1.8

  • @zerosit


    Please advise me on the changes I need to apply to my theme before buddypress 1.8 can work on it.


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  • @hnla


    How can we do that? You need to actually provide details of what theme you’re using and what if any specific issues you are encountering, we’re not mind readers 🙂

    With theme compatibility you shouldn’t ned do anything but activate BP and ensure the necessary pages exist, it will then work with your chosen theme.



    ha ha ha… u’re right, Hugo… tks for the humour…

    I’m using Legatus Theme from Orange Themes and my website is

    I’ve installed buddypress 1.8 and I have all the 5 pages created without any problem. However, when I click on them, they are all empty. I’ve tried changing the theme to another and the pages were alright. So I kinda concluded that it gotta be the Legatus Theme.

    Please take a look at my site and advise me on what I should do next.




    Change to Twenty Twelve and check if you can see the BP pages. If so, then the issue is with your theme (probably has proprietary templating system) and you’d have to tweak/create files for BP Compatibility. check out:



    I’ve tried changing it to Twenty Twelve and I can see the BP pages. So, it’s definitely an issue with my theme.

    Ok, after reading and rereading the codex, these are the questions in my head:
    1. Am I supposed to create a child theme?
    If yes, is the child theme directory supposed to read /parenttheme-child/ or /buddypress/ ?

    2. you mentioned about these list of templates:
    – plugin-buddypress.php
    – buddypress.php
    – community.php
    – generic.php
    – page.php
    – single.php
    – index.php

    I gather from the article that BP will use JUST 1 of this. Did I understand this correctly?
    If yes, am I supposed to copy one of these files into the child theme directory?
    If I’m not supposed to create a child theme, which sub-directory should this file be found in my theme directory?

    For my case, I have none of the above files in my theme’s directory. The closest I have is mytheme/includes/news-single.php. Is this supposed to be the directory that this file should be found? Am I supposed to rename this file? Or am I supposed to rename and copy this file into the child theme directory? Or am I supposed to create a new php file altogether for my case? And, if so, how do I go about doing it?

    3. You mentioned in your article that Template compatibility also runs a check to see if two directories or folders exist in a theme:

    I’ve checked and they don’t exist in my theme directory. Can I safely conclude that BP will use the files in the plugin and that I won’t need to create these folders in my theme? Or do I need to create them in my theme or child theme?

    While still on this, you mentioned in your article:

    “Therefore, you can modify any bp theme compatibility template by copying it over from:
    /my-theme/community/ or /my-theme/buddypress/”

    Am I supposed to create either community or buddy press and copy the files I found in the BP plugin /bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/ into them? And if I’m supposed to create a child theme, am I supposed to create these in the child theme instead and copy these into them? Or should I do nothing at all?

    Please advise and assist me in this; I’m really very confused. Or if it’s in any way possible, could you list down the steps that I’m supposed to take?




    Am I supposed to create a child theme?

    Since that is a premium theme, I have no idea whether you could set up a child theme with it. There are themes which are not set up properly for child themes. You should contact theme developer about that.

    I gave you two links above. If you want to have the same layout for all BuddyPress pages in your site (easiest route), read the first link. Copy the source code of your theme’s page.php file and paste it to a new file, buddypress.php then make sure that the template tags the_content and the_title are in that buddypress.php file. Then upload that file in your theme’s folder in server.

    If your modifications do not work, you should ask the theme developer for assistance in revising the proprietary code so BuddyPress pages will be rendered in your site using buddypress.php



    I want to thank you so much for your assistance in this matter.

    You don’t know how much it means to me to have you pointing out that the first link is what matters in my case.

    I’ll look into the child theme compatibility issue and making of the buddypress.php. Could you assist in providing the code to tag the_content and the_title in this file?

    Lastly, is this all that I need to do? I guess in your own way you’ve answered my Questions 1 and 2. But how about No.3? Do I have to copy files from:

    /my-theme/community/ or /my-theme/buddypress/

    as stated in your article?

    I apologise for taking up your time in this matter and I cannot thank you enough for your kind assistance. Please forgive my newbie questions; I’m trying really hard to understand this and get it to work.




    re #3 – that’s only relevant if you go to second link I posted above – used only when you want the different BuddyPress components to have different layouts.

    As I pointed above, use first link where you only have to create one file, buddypress.php and your theme developer would be the one who could assist you there as they know their premium themes inside and out.



    tks, mercime… u’re the best…

    Could you be so kind as to assist me in providing the code to tag the_content and the_title in the buddypress file and all its related?




    As mercime says two posts up, it’s best to ask your theme developer about this as it’s they that have coded a proprietary template system and as such will know what parts need to be in a standard ‘page’ file for their theme to work, we can tell you that essentially your ‘buddypress.php’ file needs to have a ‘if posts while posts loop’ & the_title() & the_content() functions inside it as might be seen in twentytwelve page.php/content-page.php but what your actual theme needs in addition the theme author knows best likely though this would be all the parts you see in news-page.php before and after any content generation sections.



    tks, Hugo…

    I guess I’ll just have to go back to them for help then…




    Hi, guys.

    The developer of my theme came back to me and said that the buddpress pages are using the “default page” templates from the theme itself now; that’s why nothing is appearing in the buddypress pages. They replied and said the buddypress pages should be using the buddypress page templates and asked if I have installed the buddypress page templates correctly.

    I’ve tried changing to themes of other developers and the buddypress pages work perfectly. Does it mean to say that the buddypress page templates are setup correctly? What should I do now?

    I understand that you guys did mentioned previously to check with the developer himself, which I did. However, this is the reply I got from him. I really feel like a ball myself. Please kindly advise me on what modification or action I ought to take now to enable buddypress.

    The only thing that’s preventing the site from going live now is the buddypress. Please kindly help me.


    best regards,

    P.S. Pls don’t point me to the codex again; I really have a difficult time understanding them.



    It’s important to understand that this is a theme issue, not BP’s issue, as of 1.7 BP re-factored how it worked to a huge degree and added theme compatibility, designed to allow BP content to work seamlessly in any WP theme providing the theme followed basic WP template practises -it’s a real shame so many don’t!

    They replied and said the buddypress pages should be using the buddypress page templates and asked if I have installed the buddypress page templates correctly.

    This is somewhat outdated advice and sounds as though they are suggesting the old template pack process or copying over bp-default theme templates, neither of these are what you need to be doing and require a little knowledge to achieve.

    As said earlier all you need is a correctly functioning page.php, clearly this theme prevents page.php working as is normally expected so the answer is copy page.php & rename it buddypress.php in order that you may make custom mods in that file without page.php and your themes templating breaking. Now in buddypress.php you need to have a working and ‘Normal’ WP loop plus any other html markup structure your theme uses, however this is the sort of thing the theme author can best handle or at least they will understand what needs doing.

    Again earlier I pointed out where you can find an example loop in the WP default theme twentytwelve but you need something like this in your content area of your custom buddypress.php file:

    <div id=”content” role=”main”>

    <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

    <h1 class=”entry-title”><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    <?php the_content(); ?>

    <?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>

    </div><!– #content –>

    However whereas this may kick the custom template into life it doesn’t account for the theme markup structure so likely would look broken, but we have no understanding of what this theme does with it’s templates so can’t really advice – again the theme author could and needs to understand how BP now works as a simple one file include with their theme could allow them to state their theme is BP compatible.

    Lastly and for anyone else reading the thread understand that the best place to source themes which are BP compatible is the official WP theme repo as the theme checks run on submitted themes will ensure standard WP practises are adhered to, buy premium themes and you take your chances, unless they are from a well known source and /or clearly state BP compatible or if not that they DO follow the WP templating API not invent their own I would avoid also I would avoid unless there was a strong support area for the theme.



    Tks for taking the trouble to reply in such great details, hugo.

    I’ve forwarded this to the developer for reference. I guess this issue is way beyond my limited knowledge to resolve; I’ll just have to wait for him to resolve it then.

    Thanks again for your professionalism in handling this matter.

    best regards,



    please anyone can help me buddypress is not working with my directory theme?

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