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How to move the admin bar functions into the template and remove the admin bar

  • @roy27



    if it’s too complicated, I can also learn to live with the admin bar scrolling up with the page like the whole template does, instead of not moving.

    I think buddypress is great, but this is the only thing I don’t like, to be limited this much in how the site looks..

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  • @hnla


    You are perfectly able to move the adminbar, style it, create a positioning context of your choosing.

    This is a styling issue and as such you should do this work on a child theme to preserve any changes you make to stylesheets and/or files.

    As to how complicated this is is a question of your coding knowledge and BP/WP structure.

    Giving any more detailed advice is difficult without having specifics to hand on what you wanted to do.

    I’m puzzled by you remarking that you can live with the adminbar scrolling as this is not the default behavior, by default the adminbar is positioned ‘fixed’ i.e stays at the top of the browser viewport.

    Actually taking the adminbar links and placing them elsewhere – in effect removing the adminbar is slightly more complex but doable but again you would need a good idea on where they would be going.



    i would like the dropdowns ‘my account’ and ‘notifications’ in the header or in the sidebar where the log in boxes are when logged out and the whole admin bar on the top of the page removed.
    is there a piece of code that would make these two dropdowns apear anywhere where you put it inside the template?
    and then another piece of code that would remove the top admin bar?

    p.s. sorry for the double post, but i thought i didn’t post in the right group, but couldn’t remove the other topic.



    Anyone? Happy new year by the way…





    Apologies for not getting back.

    If I had my brain in gear would have remembered the remove adminbar constant – thanks mercime.

    Also this page in the codex will give you an idea of how the adminbar is created and manipulated and perhaps how you could re-position those links:

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