Simplest way would be to delete the markup entirely in /members/single/member-header.php
removing this line:
<span class=”activity”><?php bp_last_activity( bp_displayed_user_id() ) ?></span>
Preferably in a child theme copy of the file.
Add to your theme’s style.css
div#item-header span.activity { display: none; }
This will also hide same in Group’s pages
Edit – ok @hnla that was fast 

Display:none is an alternative though, wouldn’t be my first choice as technically it’s still there, however in dealing with more than one occurrence of this it would be simpler.
where is members/single/member-header.php?
I couldnt find it in the buddypress folder under plug-ins
It should be, otherwise you won’t have seen the member Pages
– plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/members/single/member-header.php
Copy member-header.php to your child theme following the structure yourchildtheme/members/single/member-header.php and make the change there. If you make a change in bp-default parent theme, the change will be overriden when you upgrade BuddyPress
@mercime thank you, I am pretty sure you solved my issue with that line of code I added to my custom.css file.