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How to remove featured thumbnail in single blog post.

  • Kookidooki


    Hey guys,
    I’m using the latest Buddypress and Theme Kleo and still trying to remove the featured thumbnails that appears in every single blog post. I would like to remove that but to no avail. Initially I thought it was a theme problem but now I realize that this must be something related with Buddypress.

    Any idea how to remove the featured thumbnail within a blog post?


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  • danbp



    BuddyPress doesn’t handle posts, but WP. BP only mention them on the site activity.
    BuddyPres doesn’t handle the post author behave. If a post has a featured thumbnail, it’s the author who added it.
    If a post is shown with a default featured thumbnail, it’s the theme who add that feaure, not BuddyPress.

    Globally, a post thumbnail is a theme feature. BuddyPress stopped to use his own theme since 1.7 and was endless improved since to work with about any WP theme.

    Read WP codex page related to Post Thumbnail.

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