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How to restrict non logged in users from viewing profiles?

  • @digitman2


    I’m simply looking for a hook or filter, or any other way to stop non logged in members from viewing a profile. This applies to all tabs within a member’s profile (activity, friends, profile, etc)

    Ideally it would be a hook/filter that’s called just before/after the component is loaded, so that I could redirect the user to a login/register page.

    I can’t find anything for this so far. Any ideas?

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  • @intimez



    I believe this plugin will help you with restrictions



    I don’t think so? It seems to be adding a whole different type of profiles. All I want is to be able to redirect non logged in users away.



    hi digitman2,

    you can do this from within your child theme.

    At the begin of the file add this:
    <code> if ( is_user_logged_in()  ) :  (within  php tags)</code>

    and this at the end of the file, just before the latest do_action
    <code><?php else : ?>
    <?php echo “div style=’width: 600px;height:25px; padding: 4px; border: 3px solid #ff0000; text-align: center; font-style:bold; font-size: 1.3em;’> You have to login to view a member’s profile./div”; ?>
    <?php endif; ?></code>

    Take care wwith copy pasting, some html tags are not complete




    You couldn’t find this?!


    Obviously play around with the code to get what you need  but that’s the basic principle for a re-direct away from pages wanted to be made private.




    I’m testing it in a LAN environment with activity and members link so that anyone that is not logged in, they are unable to see those section and it redirects to registration page. Just one suggestion but maybe other suggestions easier.

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