Under “Personal” – “Forum Topics” & “Forum Replies” I’ve always got:
`Sorry, there was no activity found. Please try a different filter.`
My “Mentions” work, but no one ever seems to reply to me with a mention.
& “Groups” displays all topics for the group’s forums I’m a part of.
I know there are links but page is blank. It may get a dedicated page like before, I’m showing you how to get to that content now. 
same problem as before, I can see page1 of my prior forum posts, but no link to reach older posts….
same problem as before, I can see page1 of my prior forum posts, but no link to reach older posts….
Should be able to click “Load More” in the activity stream to see more entries.
there is no load more. I only see 16 of my 80x posts
there is no load more. I only see 16 of my 80x posts
Because you haven’t created that many topics. If you want to see replies, choose Forum Replies.
I have this problem too. I’ve definitely posted in the forums – it says “3 forum posts” in the stats on my profile, but it doesn’t show anything in my personal activity stream. Is the activity stream time-limited?
Have a look yourself: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3037692/buddypress.png
In your image you see the drop down saying no filter. Choose forum topics or replies
@modemlooper — can’t see my 16 posts anywhere
nope, doesn’t work, it says “Sorry, there was no activity found….” just as @magicroudnabout ‘s screencap shows above
It only works on activity after changing name. It works for me. It’s a spam blocker on this site so new sign ups can’t spam feed.
I see your post here in your activity stream https://buddypress.org/community/members/synaptic/
If that’s not good enough for you, use Google. The site is indexed pretty well.
Thanks @mercime I noticed that the activity stream shows up once you change your name/user name but not retroactively. That is the activity of the user before that change does not show up.
May I ask if this weird requirement (that the user name and name be different) is a standard buddypress thing or if buddypress.org customized it somehow?
@synaptic It is customized for BuddyPress.org.