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How to show avatars uploaded via buddypress in wordpress mu ?

  • @kaberi


    I just want that users who have uploaded a cropped photo or avatar via buddypress should be able to show the same in all posts and comments across blog posts in wordpress mu. Those who have no such upload or are non-registered commentators should have gravatars. I wish this was an easy option automatically available.

    If there is any plugin that lets wordpress mu users to upload cropped avatar to show in buddypress too, that will also do. At present the two plugins wpmuavatars and add-local-avatar are broken, the later one gives complete error with latest versions of buddypress and wordpress mu.

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  • @r-a-y


    If you activated BuddyPress sitewide, this should work across all sites.



    Buddypress is activated sitewide. User uploaded photos show up across all activity streams. Except in wordpress mu blog posts and comments. Not sure whether this is a problem with the latest Buddypress.
    Are you using the latest buddypress ?



    I’m running BP and it’s working for me.



    Hmmm … I have other buddypress and wordpress mu plug ins, not much but few.
    When I downgrade to Version 1.2.3 of buddypress things work okay.
    But using the version causes problem. Did they introduce some bug somewhere ? ( Maddening for me!)

    Have you got a working site with BOTH buddypress and WordPress -mu-2.9.2 ? Any web link please ?



    Retested and retested. With 1.2.3 things okay … with user uploaded photos show in bp activity streams etc BUT NOT wordpress mu posts eg. comment posts



    Hi Kaberi,

    Same problem here. Has anyone got any idea how this might be solved? Everything else seems to be working perfectly.

    Perhaps there is a setting somewhere I have not got right, but given you testing, seems that it is not me or my settings.

    Love BuddyPress but this is quite a big issue IMHO, any suggestions to solve it would be warmly welcomed.


    PS Am using subdomains for guest blogs, could that be the issue?



    @r-a-y I have BP on several installs of WPMu (all latest versions) with the same results. (root site) & (secondary site) – the avatars are not active links but the user name has a link ~ which is not pulling avatar from
    Comment avatars are working. This was not a problem in BP 1.2.3 ~ is the “bp_root_blog” a new feature? Seems to be related to capability….





    Thanks Kaberi,

    You are doing a great job chasing this down. I will try using the older file although there must surely be some knock on affects that we are unaware of yet. Will try it now.

    It is kind of mission critical because the whole blog thing is clearly not working from a user perspective.

    Thanks again.


    PS The old version of bp-core-avatars.php seems to do the trick – thank you for that. Have not noticed any drawbacks yet but there must be some. Hopefully a fix for the new file will appear. In the meantime, thank you again.



    I am also having this problem and I see no new information. Is there a fix?



    ehh.. still no fix for this??
    BP 1.2.7
    BP-default-child theme
    And I have the same issue// seems more erratic though… some users display correctly



    I’ve been having vanishing avatar issues over the past couple of days, and a little research points to a possibility that in some instances BP is generating bad avatar paths, not relative to the root of the site. I found this, it provided a fix, and might help some of you:



    Scrap that. The fix is only superficial. It fixed user avatars, but destroyed every other type.



    Solved my issue. It turned out to be related to directory permissions, and pilot error in not noticing my user avatar directory chmod changed to 755 when overwritten from a local > remote upload. Avatar directories have to be write-enabled for avatars to display… Hope this helps someone.

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