You can’t. You will have to run a standalone copy of WP
can any plugin or similar widget would do ?
Clarify that question please. If you want to run Buddypress you’ll need your own server – shared hosting at a pinch – as it’s a little more than a simple plugin nothing else that I’m aware of comes anywhere near the functionality that BP adds. What access if any does give to plugins.
ya.. but there are lots of security problems relating to self hosted blog. 
It’s possible that someday will provide their users with an option to install BuddyPress on their blogs (for an additional fee, I imagine). But until that happens, your only choice is as @hnla has stated–running your own copy of BP on a self-hosted WP install.
“What access if any does give to plugins.”
None whatsoever.
“None whatsoever.”
Unless you’re a VIP member and then there’s some room to negotiate. Although, I’d be very surprised if they let even VIP members run BP on it.
“What access if any does give to plugins.”Was a somewhat rhetorical question 
So I have a WordPress self hosted site and installed the BuddyPress plugin but I do not see where I can access the plugin to utilize it. Any help?
@grow-stories this is an 8 month old thread you have dragged back up. please, in future, if you have an issue you require help with you must start a new post/thread and describe the problem in detail along with any applicable info such as version numbers , custom themes, plugins in use.
You activate the plugin in the usual place for plugins, you visit the BP menu section and configure any options you want such as forum install, extended profiles etc, then visit the theme section and activate the bp-default theme or suitable BP compatible theme you might have.
Thanks for the info. I have made it that far and have installed the forum but it is giving me a plain white page. How do I activate the forums?
Start a new thread please and supply details about your setup.