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Howdy, community!

  • @giannisff


    The creation of this website is based on a simple idea. Be a place where communities can exhibit their work and promote their purposes. The visitors can be informed about the activities of communities and why not participate actively.
    We create this community with wordpress 3.5, Buddypress 1.7. We based the default buddypress theme (still loving it).
    Waiting for your comments and remarks.
    Once again we would like to thank all members of the forum and of course the buddypress team.

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  • @megainfo


    Hi, Nice UI and Color schema,

    I think there is some problems of allignement in WP ADmin Bar ? (in #adminbarlogin i think must float to right)

    What difference between Persons and Communities ?



    Hi meg@info and thank you for the responce.
    Please tell me what’s wrong with WP admin bar. (The allignment is to the left)
    The difference between communities and Persons …
    On our site there is the possibility that the admin of a community to register the community. On the other hand there is the opportunity for anyone who wants to register to be able to monitor the activities of communities of interest.
    Thank you in advance.



    I hope you don’t mind constructive criticism but the site needs a lot of work. Its a bit on the janky side and it looks really boring. If your happy with it then that is all that matters but the site doesn’t feel engaging to me in any way. Anyway I am sorry if this seems harsh but hopefully it will motivate you to produce something better than an average mediocre site. Sorry but lying and saying it is awesome will just inhibit your progress and I hope you can appreciate that. My apologies if I offended you.



    Nice site. Just noticed you have ‘persons’ as a nav item. I’d say ‘people’ is a better word to use.



    Hello. @bphelp οf course I do not mind criticism when I it is in good mood. That is why we present the website in the forum. I find it really useful. And it would be even more useful if you would like you could be more specific. I sincerely appreciate it. Thanks for your time.

    I agree with your remark, thanks!



    I am a big fan of cool landing pages. This is just my opinion but I would add a few thumbnail screenshots above the features on your landing page. That will show potential members what they are missing out on if they do not join. I would also get rid of the wordpress logo menu item in your toolbar because its a red flag for hackers.



    If you decide to remove the logo here is a quick snippet you can place in your themes functions.php for your convenience.
    function remove_wp_logo() {
    global $wp_admin_bar;
    add_action( ‘wp_before_admin_bar_render’, ‘remove_wp_logo’ );



    @bphelp Thanks so much for your advice. I removed the wp_admin from inside the plugin i use. Thanks.




    I like the look and layout of your site. I especially like the show/hide login form at the top. Is that a plugin?





    Thank you @scottwermter. As @bphelp said. Great plugin with many options.
    In a few days there will be an area to our site that will present all the plugins used in the site. I think this is the least to say a thank you to all have devoted much work to create these great plugins.

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