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I just installed Buddypress with Multi user and having Theme issue with admin panel

  • @mrbeno


    Hi all,

    I installed buddypress over wp 3.0 and initated teh multi user so now people can have their own blogs on my site. Everything before was smoothe with the buddypress install and still is. However the problem I am having is that when I go to my Blogs and try to create one (me being a dummy enduser with fake test name) the first two screens work, when it asks for blog name. Now after I go to try to create the blog, I see all white and dissordered buttons. I also noticed an error in themes “The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.Name Description
    bp-default Stylesheet is missing.” This is from the regular themes, not super admin. So my guess is that the admin panel is missing a css file. Now with all of this, as a super admin or admin I can go into the regular dashboard no problem and new just like the regular wordpress. But the problem is in when I log into the front in and try to create a blog from the user end. Sorry if I don’t make sense. I tried all themes, mainly the basic buddypress default one. That is where it is at now.

    Thanks in advanced

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  • @mrbeno


    This not meant to be a double post but rather more detailed information that I found out last night. The problem has to do with any other user other then super admin that tries to create a blog from the front end.(super admin/admin work from backend posting blogs) Everything else seems to be working but I notice that when a user tries to create a blog, it goes to (a non template looking page) links are spread all around and stuff also missing picture box for theme. I noticed that all of those blogs are using “twenty ten” The BP MU main uses BP Default with out a problem. I also got the same error with (Broken Themes (Site Admin Only)….”bp-default” style sheet is missing.) I looked at the files and notice that there is not .css sheet in bp-default and I see other themes in my theme folder and all of them have the .css file ect. I think I know what to do but still unsure, but I am wondering why the bp-default works with the whole site. So I guess the problem is that the admin blogs from the front end does not know what stylesheet?

    I loaded wp2.9.2 forst then upgraded it to 3.0 however unsure if I added buddypress before update or after. I also loaded buddypress from finding it on the plugin search within in wordpress. Other information is that at first I did the buddypress template pack tried it then uninstalled it, reinstalled it and now it is uninstalled. I tried about 5 hours last night and still same stuff.

    Any suggestions would be great



    Looks like you’re missing admin and theme stylesheets.
    Re-upload WP 3.0 files and folders via FTP or cpanel. Then re-upload BuddyPress plugin as well. Refresh browser and check if bad behavior mentioned above still happens.



    Thanks Mercime,

    I downloaded the zip files and extracted them via cpanel from hostgator. Same problem, I even installed BP MU with wp 3.0 on another domain and account to test it and same outcome. It is not picking up the Twnety Ten Theme but everything else works. I am using my reseller account, I don’t know if that would be an issue. Also I noticed my “.htacccess” file (i think i pronounced it right) was burried in BB Press. (that’s where I added step 3 in copying the rewrite files). I don’t know if that has anything to do with it? Also it was set up with fantastico for wordpress 2.9.2 then I changed it to 3.0.

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