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I need help testing an installation

  • Hey everyone,

    I am in the process of moving a website to wpmu+buddypress. It seems to be working, but I am having some trouble with the blog creation and listing. If someone wouldn’t mind helping me out, please head over to and create a blog, also please add me as a friend via the buddypress system as well.

    Maybe I’m just tired, or need to restart with something other than the latest trunk version.

    It is a brand new installation of wpmu and buddypress. A user did sign up before I created my home, if that means anything to anyone…


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  • Did you remove BP? Becasue there’s no BP features there at all. Also the subdomain lookup was painfully slow, even in comparison to the rest of the site.

    yes, i tried a fresh reinstall, with still no luck. the buddypress user home base does not seem to be creating users. i have no idea why the subdomain lookup would be so slow.



    I’m confused. That site looks like an elgg site. Is there a way to private message on here? I’d like to ask you some questions. I’m torn between WordPress MU/Buddypress and Elgg.

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