Edit:I tried twice to post the complete code,but no success.
well here is what you need
use bp_get_loggedin_user_link().It will point to user profile.Use it with a combination of is_user_logged_in() mto make it more useful
thanks man it worked like a charm : )
I’m interested in this fix as well, but don’t quite understand how to put together bp_get_loggedin_user_link() and is_user_logged_in() to make a link to the members profile page.
I’m using the sidebar login widget and when you click profile on the sidebar once logged in, it goes to the WP profile page on the backend, not the buddypress profile.
Is there a way to use your above method to patch this somehow? I figured this was how it was supposed to be but I did something wrong? Thanks
Yes, I’m using Mike Jolley’s Sidebar Login.
ahh ok, in that case , you will need to modify the function widget_wp_sidebarlogin()
specifically, for the current version from line number 153 to 177.
btw ,if you can wait , I will edit the plugin ,make it bp-compatible and upload it somewhere , but not now , tomorrow ,as It is too late here 
for everyone else looking at the plugin
we need to modify following things there
1.gravatar-should use bp avatar mechanism
2.login link
3.logout link.
Sure, I can wait
. Thanks Brajesh, you’re a life saver
well here is the modified plugin. It will show the avatar from buddypress and the link will be the name of the user with the profile link.
I will advise to do one thing though.
after installing plugin go to Tools->Sidebar Login
and from the Logged in links text box, remove the line which says wp-admin/profile.php
This should work perfect then.
If you get any problem,please let me know. I will be glad to assist further
Thanks so much for the great work. It works wonderfully so far.
However, I am having a display problem, please see this screenshot.
The bullet points overlap the image and for some reason I have 3 bullets when there should only be 2. I did as you said and removed everything from the Logged in Links section. Is there a way to customize this a bit more? I’d like to go in and add shortcuts to a users mail, groups etc.
Thanks Again!
I’ve not tested the new version of sidebar login posted earlier in this thread, but I am using the original version for WP. To overcome those bulletpoints overlapping, I simply removed the avatar altogether.
A question, related to sidebar login- The name of this widget shows in a grey colour (Login), but all other widgets have the title in white. I’ve searched the CSS files and studied the sidebar login php file also, looking for a solution but can’t for the life of me find how to change the title to white. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I have downloaded the revised plugin . When I try to go to the admin section I get You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. It works fine with the original plugin . Any Ideas?