It wouldn’t be too difficult to do this now. If you created a new profile field for a “profile welcome message”, users could insert whatever they wanted in that area. Then you’d just need to display that field in the member-header.php file. There’s even a comment there to show how to do it. 
Alternatively, hook into bp_profile_header_meta and display the “profile welcome message” field with bp_profile_field_data( ‘field=fieldName’ ).
It wouldn’t be too difficult to do this now. If you created a new profile field for a “profile welcome message”, users could insert whatever they wanted in that area. Then you’d just need to display that field in the member-header.php file. There’s even a comment there to show how to do it. 
Alternatively, hook into bp_profile_header_meta and display the “profile welcome message” field with bp_profile_field_data( ‘field=fieldName’ ).