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info needed regarding a BuddyPress theme

  • @balanz


    Hi guys I actually got a question that needs answering me to get to my next step.
    I am planning to buy the premium Cinematix theme from themeforest to built a social media platform but would like to know if I would be able to link one or more radio stations to it and a by admin controllable sound list that can be listened to (while chatting) if the chatters chose to.
    and a by admin controllable video screen. first I want to know if this is possible with this theme. and if yes and these options are not already included in this package does BuddyPress or 3rd parties design additional plugins as such that can be successfully attached to this theme?
    Please, somebody, help me with these answers and thank you all in advance.


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  • @mercime


    >>does BuddyPress or 3rd parties design additional plugins as such that can be successfully attached to this theme

    Hi @balanz,
    The best place to ask is at the premium theme’s forums as we do not have access to the paid theme. Based on what you need, looks more like you need to code a custom plugin that is compatible with both BuddyPress and your premium theme, or hire a developer to do so.



    Hi @mercime
    Thank you very much for getting back to me. And yes I will follow your advice, However, I have been on the Envato premium theme’s forums site and looked for a link on there to message them on this matter but could not find anywhere on that site toomessage them. Could you maybe help me with a link to do just that? otherwise, I have no idea where to find that.
    Thank you again for your help so far.




    @balanz It’s sad to learn that there’s no obvious support area for the envato paid theme. I’ve never bought anything from envato, so my best guess will be to search for “themeforest cinamatix” then on that theme’s page, you’ll find the “Comments” link on the right hand column of the theme page.
    I hope that works out for you. Good luck.



    Hi @mercime.
    Thanks again for making the effort to look into it and get back to me. I think you’ve tried and that was good enough for me. I will look into what you told me.
    Thank you for your help and kindness.
    Stay safe.




    search for “themeforest cinamatix”

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