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Install Buddypress 1.2 Beta

  • @yusoof


    Where can I find directions for installing the 1.2 Beta? I have spent hours on this and must be completely missing something because the end result is nothing so far.

    The install seems to go fine but it shows an error upon activation and will not activate.

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  • @yusoof


    9 hours and no simple answer? Is anyone even reading this forum that knows whats going on?



    It’s possible the wizzes behind BP haven’t responded because you haven’t given enough information to determine if this is user error, bug or random glitch. There should be instructions for posting questions and they should include what you need to let us know to help you.



    If you grabbed a zip of the trunk, then it’s in a folder called “trunk” when you unzip it.

    rename the folder to buddypress.

    Your error logs woudl definitely have given you this clue.



    Read this blog post:

    Also what are these “errors” you speak of? Is it theme-related? Is it plugin-related?

    Are you installing BP 1.2 beta on WPMU or standard WordPress?



    6 hours and yusoof hasn’t responded yet? Is he even reading his own topic to know we’re trying to help him? :D



    I started a thread with my specific problem which was a error while activating Beta 1.2 installed on standard WP 2.9.1,

    “The plugin does not have a valid header.”

    This thread was started in a effort to find more general information about installing for people new to buddypress.



    I downloaded my BP 1.2 right off the blog Andy posted. I opened it and could not find “Trunk” in there. Im just learning how to do installs so I have no idea why it will not activate, it could be something very simple I’m overlooking.

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