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Integration with P2 Theme Concept… and Beyond!

  • @beeeerock


    Having looked through plug-ins for the solution, with no joy so far, I’m going to put my want list into this ‘Ideas’ forum. Maybe the method is out there and someone can point me at it… and if not, maybe it will germinate into something I can use eventually.

    What I’d like to do is roll P2 Theme into BuddyPress so that I can do a bunch of things that are essentially ‘project management’. Some wish list items in no particular order:

    – utilize the easy front posting P2 Theme to make the site easy to use. Not interested in doing project management stuff behind the scenes, in the dashboard area (which seems to be a common thing in the plug-ins I tried out).
    – utilize the groups function in BP to separate users into logical groups – say, ‘design’, ‘administration’, ‘accounting’.
    – allow site admin user to add members to groups – so far you have to ‘friend’ the person etc in BP (or so it appears to me!)… too complicated for the end users!
    – incorporate the ‘P2 Resolved Posts’ and maybe ‘P2 Check In’ and ‘jonradio Private Site’ functions into the system
    – incorporate the ability to sort the blog page by either date of original post, or date of latest EDIT or COMMENT. Currently the latest post is on the top and if a comment has been made to an old post from a month ago, you’ll only know if you look at the widget that indicates activity… not good enough for my purposes.
    – incorporate the ability to filter the blog page by GROUP membership. This is the big one!!!

    So in daily use, the users will add posts containing new information relevant to their workgroup (or workGROUPS), edit existing posts to revise items if necessary (perhaps add another check box that P2 includes so nicely or revise an original detail), mark resolved or unresolved (P2 Resolved Posts idea) and add comments to existing posts. This is exactly what P2 Theme does now… with a plug-in or two… except it doesn’t allow the idea of workgroups.

    The system would be much more functional if the BP power could be applied.

    The extra functionality would allow different working groups to post/comment to the blog page as normal, but be able to filter out other work groups they aren’t interested in. They would be able to view the page based on the date of original post, or date of post revision, or date of latest comment. Therefore content could be displayed in an order that more reasonably and logically suits a workgroup user.

    The power P2 Theme offers is huge, but it needs to go a little further to really do what I think it should…

    Using bbPress seems like a reasonable option… except it doesn’t allow the quick and easy posting the way P2 Theme does… and would isolate each workgroup into a different forum. It feels like a confining method! I want to be able to select any of the workgroups I want shown (and belong to) and have them appear in the sort order I’ve selected.

    I’ve included the jonradio Private Site plug-in in my function wish list, because it would allow the functionality described above to exist not just in an Intranet environment, but also (carefully) exposed to the Internet as well. Allowing workers in the field to update information would be very useful.

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  • @tsinclair1982


    Any program ?



    I went to Commons in a Box, which is a giant plug-in for WordPress that includes BuddyPress (and many other plug-ins) and allows me to create a multi-site installation with a blog/site for each workgroup I wanted to integrate. Now that the new release of BuddyPress seems to work with most themes that weren’t designed to be specifically BuddyPress-compatible, P2 Theme just seems to work.

    The only issue I have now is that the new P2 Theme seems to have broken the P2-Check-In plugin as I can no longer see the “I’m Here” button on the header. Otherwise, I’ve got most of what I needed working via Multi-Site and Commons in a Box.



    I am about a month behind you, new to wordpres et al, I think we are tying to accomplish the same type of things.

    I like the features of buddy and P2 but jst don’t like the way they look, is all of this customizable?




    @tsinclair1982 posted
    One solution: create a buddypress.php file and upload to theme folder in server
    See rest of ticket for adjustment to styles



    @tsinclair1982 beyond the typical titling and header adjustments, there doesn’t seem to be much control over things like the number of columns, header images etc.

    It took me a while to get my head around how to get the multiple blogs going. I don’t think the model I described in my first post is fully possible… however, using Multi-site and Commons in a Box I was able to create subsites for each of my workgroups… my main CBox parent site uses the ‘stock’ theme (Infinity) which allows much more flexibility. I use it as the jump point to the subsites. The subsites run P2 of course.

    P2 is a great start… the glimpse of what it can do is tempting and it’s unfortunate that it doesn’t seem to have enough of a following to advance the development it deserves. There are some plug-ins specific to P2 that are worth a look, but I haven’t found a way to do everything I’d like… yet. I’m a perpetual optimist and hope that someone with coding skills will write more.



    I am too, a perpetual optimist. So you created a P2 site for.. “p2 related” content and launch all activity our of a “main site”

    Getting my head around the logic that will be forever, is difficult.



    I wish I could show you the site, but it’s behind security for internal use only!

    I too had trouble getting my head around the problem. What I really wanted was a blog that everyone could use in all workgroups, but filter by workgroup. And based on credentials, some users would never see some groups postings. However, I don’t think WordPress is really set up for that… at least I never managed to find a way to do it, or a plug-in that would do it for me!

    After beating my head against that wall, I eventually did what someone had suggested – build a Commons in a Box site and test it.

    It looks more complicated than it is. My primitive understanding is like this:

    – Commons in a Box (CBox) requires a Multi-Site installation of WordPress (easy to do)
    – When first installed, CBox gives you the base site that everyone in your group would use. The Infinity theme it uses by default is fine for my purposes but I think you can configure other themes if you want.
    – CBox automagically creates subsites on demand. I created a subsite for each general workgroup I wanted to keep separate blogs for.
    – Users can be given access to any or all of the subsites, with different privileges on each.
    – Subsites can use pretty much whatever theme you want. I use P2 for the features you already know about.

    You can set up groups, which seems to do about what I did manually… that confused me at first because I thought groups would give me different functionality… it didn’t, so my recommendation would be to leave that part alone, or let it create all the subsites. Mixing manual creation with Groups creation was confusing for me and didn’t add anything of use!

    You probably don’t want the forums activated either, unless you need to add that function in addition to the top posting P2 blog! I felt the forum would just spread information around too much, making it difficult to find what you want.

    I strongly suggest you set up a sandbox and give Multi-Site and CBox a try… 🙂



    So, If I understand correctly:

    Multi Site Installation Of Word Press
    Add Commons in a Box on main site
    Create sites with P2
    Plain sites etc..





    Can some sites be different? I can’t figure out how to add commons to one specific site.



    Have a look here:

    That site does a good job of explaining what their plug-in does. However, your summary is pretty much what I did. I would note that the sites created could use P2 or pretty much any theme you want as you have per-site control of themes, plug-ins etc. To a casual user, the subsites just look like pages of the main site…

    If you have a place you can try this, I suggest you do just that. I found that my in-house Beta program pretty much became a production site overnight as the users found it very useful and without too many bugs!



    I’m thinking of doing a mobile app for the p2. I saw the buddydroid but there are a few things that Didnt work such as posting vs updating and replying to a post. Any thoughts on how to make it work?

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