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[invalid] Fatal error when upgrading to WordPress 3.0.1 with Buddypress

  • Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_group_is_admin() in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php on line 4ยจ

    What should I change on the line 4? – if( bp_group_is_admin() || is_super_admin() ) {

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  • If you didn’t disable BuddyPress (and all other plugins) before upgrading WordPress, this might be a weird artifact, though it should usually clear after a page refresh. So… have you disabled the Groups component?

    @djpaul: I will from now on always disable all the plugins. :) Where can I disable the groups component through the FTP?

    Is that ‘Line 4’ custom? I don’t see it in a functions file for a I’ve just test upgraded.

    Generally – and it’s not advise necessarily to follow :) – I have never had an issue with upgrading the WP portion of a site and don’t tend to bother deactivating any plugins; I do though take a backup, ALLWAYS, on production sites prior to proceeding.

    @hnla: Errr. You are definitely right. It was my late night coding that prevented code stripping when editing group description that stopped the upgrade.php script to function. Everything is working now. I just commented out my function and everything worked like a charm again. Thanks for sorting this out for me!

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