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Is Buddy Press Right for me?

  • Joe Dostie


    WordPress 4.0
    BuddyPress 2.0.2 (not installed yet)

    Hello everyone,

    I hope I am not out of place posting here but I am a bit overwhelmed and have been reading for several days. I am not a developer but am very familiar with computers.

    I have recently volunteered with a rescue animal shelter and I am looking to create a communication portal for our volunteers.

    We have a fostering program for cats and dogs and we rescue them from kill shelters and my thought process is as follows:

    I would like for the volunteers to be able to log into the site and define their own primary information (aka, their profile).
    Then I would like to add an “attribute (or section)” to each persons – This would be an animal that they foster (each animal would have some information)
    Then each person can blog and post about that animal and communicate with the public.

    I am just concerned that it may take a higher level of expertise to pull this of that I currently have or maybe it wont with a little time.

    My other thought was maybe a shopping cart or something but we are a non-profit and money is very difficult to come by for technology.

    ANY information or direction anyone could provide would be more than appreciated.

    My site is not built yet and I am in the very beginning stage.

    If you are interested our current site is (yes – its very old – thats why we are moving – we need some technology so we can communicate and save some puppies and kittens! 🙂 )

    Thanks everyone!

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  • Ben Hansen


    i think you could definitely use buddypress to achieve your goals i think some of the stuff would probably benefit from some custom coding but think even out of the box you should be covered in terms of basic functionality.

    Joe Dostie


    Thanks Ben,

    I appreciate the input. Any chance you may have examples? The more and more I read the more I seem to be understanding. I guess I am trying to accomplish 2 things here.

    First I think I am trying to possibly extend and customize the “Portfolio” portion of WordPress.

    As a very simple example I would like make the Project = to an Animals if you will.
    The Categories would be their Species, Breed, Gender, etc.
    The Skills could be Friendly, Likes Kids, House Trained, etc.

    I think the part the it troubling be is that this may require some customization in the form of renaming fields to be less confusing to the non-technical user. I consider myself technically savvy and I am lost! 🙂

    I am guessing this could be accomplished with a Form like page or a plugin. But I was hoping someone was going to say…”oh ya, easy, just use XYZ”


    So this would be my thought…

    1.) A generic user with very little technical skill would come in to a very simple profile page of some sort.
    2.) They fill in some info about themselves (so other fosters can see it – bio/phone/etc)
    3.) They have a section on animals(s) they foster
    4.) The animal would have its own profile if you will (because its a foster it can move around)

    It would be nice to use the blogging feature so each person can add, stories, pictures, links, videos and everything else WP has to offer.


    Again, thanks for the reassurance, I think I am on the right track. I just think I may be putting the cart before the horse right now as there is a ton to do and a ton more to learn!

    Anyone else reading this please feel free to send along some suggestions.


    Ben Hansen


    well out of the box you can set up any kind of fields with any label you wish i think a lot of what you need would be covered with text area fields. i would suggest you try it out on a test or stagaging server so you can get an idea for how xprofile works its pretty adaptable as is.



    @joedostie buddypress can achieve that as @ubernaut has said.

    (1) When your users register, they will have their own profile page to put their details by default. You’ll need to create extra fields for bio/phone/etc as many as you want through the admin User->User Profile Field.
    (2) For the animals profile, Wp static page or Category could be use to achieve that.
    (3) For each user to blog independently, you can use these 2 plugins together: and

    see function on site

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