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Is it BuddyPress appropriate for my web?

  • @imauser2


    I’m trying to build a WP with some public content and other content only available for registered users and being able to control their profile and movements (an email automatic sent when a user changes something). I’ve built some webs on WordPress but I am still learning.

    Basically, I’m asking if with BuddyPress will be possible:

      – New users with need for administrator approval
      – Some private content only avaliable for certain users
      – Personalized fields in user profile
      – Automatic sending of emails when a user changes a profile field

    Thank you in advance

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  • @djsteveb


    pretty sure the first three things you mention could be done with bp – depending on how you want the ‘private content only available certain users’ – may be easy (profile field marked as ‘friends only can view’ – however if you mean private content like pics or something… I believe it gets much more complicated, and if you want to restrict by different roles other than friends or public..

    you might want to experiment with wp and “s2 member”.. “press permit core” or the wpmudev membership plugin or some of the others.

    the ‘automatic sending of emails when profile field changes’ – no idea how that would work with any of those systems – although someone that knows php and wp could probably whip up something custom for that with wp or bp – I am not aware of anything like that happening out of the box with bp… and I have not searched to see if there are any bp plugins that get into that..

    of course bp is free to play with so it wouldn’t hurt to put it on a new site and experiment – but I would bet the amount of time you spend trying to make it do what you want it do is not trivial.

    others may have different thoughts on all that.. I’ve just a user not a bp dev.



    Thank you @djsteveb.

    Private content should be certain pages so I whink is under control.

    About ‘automatic sending of emails when profile field changes’ I found Better notification plugin.

    I have to check the options you mention but I think Buddy Press + Better Notification will be my option.



    There’s a plugin that would cover you for the Profile change notifications. It’s over here:

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