Install Custom Profile Filters for BuddyPress: https://buddypress.org/community/groups/custom-profile-filters-for-buddypress/
Add a select box to the base field group in your Buddypress profile field setup with the different selections: dj, musician, producer, etc. Make sure this is in the base group so users must select one when registering. Follow the instructions in the plugin to turn each selection into a search link.
When you click on any of the selected labels in a user’s profile, that brings you to the members directory but displays only the users who have also selected the same.
Hope this helps! 
Thank you pcwriter,
I took some time to write down what I clearly want so it changed a bit. In fact, the custom profile filters would be useful for what I wanna do. But there is something harder.
I’d like to have a “group type 1” for “Labels” and a “group type 2” for “Agencies”. So the users can create the appropriate group (Type 1 for labels, Type 2 for agencies). The group thing would be pretty much like a regular group, but it would be called “Label” if Type 1 and “Agency” if Type 2.
I want both group types to be viewable by every user, but to be part of it, the group’s creator needs to accept your membership. Kind of mix between BuddyPress’s Private and Public groups.
The group creator can also manage group’s status inside the group (That wouldn’t be called group anymore, it’d be named label or agency) so he can accept his teammates as “Label Managers” when needed. Other group’s members would be the signed artists of the label, or managed artists of the agency.
That’s about it for now. That’s the basic stuff I wanna do.
So is it a possible thing with BuddyPress, or I should go and program an entire php system without WP and BP?
Thanks a lot !! Hope I can do it here!
i guess its not possible then?
@pcwriter thank you for recommending @boonebgorges ‘ plugin. It’s easy to modify and reduces the amount of o_O reactions from users on my site.
Marc R – What you want to do with groups would be pretty hard to do, given the way that public/private groups currently work in BP. There *might* be a way to do it using only hooks and filters (which would essentially switch the status back and forth from public to private depending on what is needed in the particular situation), but probably you would have to essentially reproduce the entire groups component and change the way that the core component code works, ie so that it’s like a private group except with publically-viewable content.
It’s a good idea for a future enhancement to BP, though. The current public/private/hidden distinction for groups probably shouldn’t be so reliant on hardcoding in BP core.
Thanks Boone, I will check out what I can do. And I hope BP will make the groups more customizable!