No, they’re not treated as posts. They are called xProfile fields and form part of the xProfile component. They’re saved in their own table which I do believe is called wp_bp_xprofile_fields
Thanks for your reply Henry 🙂
I can’t find anything that looks like that in the database, and when going through the table names, there isn’t anything that sounds like having something to do with xProfile ?
I need to find the ID of the fields, so i can use them with BuddyPress Profile Progression “bppp_progression_block($user_id)”.
All the best
There are 4 tables related to xprofile. The table names all include _bp_xprofile_.
If you’re looking at the correct database and cannot see them, then there is not much anyone can do to help you.
Hi shanebp
I have not installed xProfile. i’m using BuddyPress out-of-the-box sort of, i’ve bought a theme called Sweet Date, through that i have installed BuddyPress.
I have checked every table in the database, nothing says anything about profile in any way.
All the best
Look again; they can’t not be there. 🙂
Ups, i forgot setting up this sandbox, i created a new database 😉
What gets the ID’s, so i can use them in this “bppp_progression_block($user_id)” instead of “$user_id” ?
EDIT: Am i correct that it’s this “xprofile_get_field” or actually this “$field_id” ?
All the best