Is there a plugin for sitewide comments?
Found multiple plugins. Most are very old, and probably wont even work anymore, but just try them.
The best I found: (makes a feed for pages and posts as well).
Others.—ITDamager (older version of the first plugin, only has comments)
Just use the activity loop in your template with filters:
<?php if ( bp_has_activities( 'object=blogs&action=new_blog_comment' ) ) : ?>
Using those filters the stream will only show blog comments made across the entire site.
Or… take the easy Andy Peatling way, pick your posion.
Thanks Andy, I was looking for this as well for my new buddypress powered site.
Andy, good advice, but when someone has disabled activities (as I have) , this doesn’t work.
slicktig, look here:
It’s a litte bit complicatet for you have to create the tables on your own and there is no widget, but it works. I changed the plugin a litte bit and it runs on now. If I would be able, I would make a widget of it but I have to solve some other problems first.
Hope it helps for the moment.
solution suggested by Andy works perfectly fine.hoping to see a widget from nickrita soon. thank you.
not only has posts, pages, but also has comments for all around your WPMU installation blogs. I updated the plugin to include avatar’s of authors & many more.
I use separate feeds to display on front page [rss widget], so I can quickly check what’s my site’s activity
see at
@skcsknathan001 thank you so much for updating this.
I’ll test.
@skcsknathan001, second what @Andrea_r said. The plugin’s working very well in WPMU 2.9.2 with BP 1.2.3 using subdomain structures. I haven’t tested this yet in installs with subdirectory strucutres, but since all your other MU plugins – Ada Recent Posts, Ada List All, etc – work well in both structures per my experience, I don’t foresee any problems
In addition, kudos for adding an admin page for this plugin at Site Admin > Ada Site Feed to make it easier for others to input the correct feed URL’s
The plugin’s full-feed also included the first five thumbnails of images I uploaded via BPGallery rc4 and published to activity stream – very cool.
Many thanks again..
Does it work with WP3?
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15 years, 3 months ago
Within wpmu or buddypress is there a plugin for sitewide comments? I would like to display most recent comments from all blogs.